Secure payment

With SSL
Pay with Visa/Mastercard/PayPal/Amazon

Secure Payments in Epamu

We are committed to implementing payment security measures to combat fraud and protect private information.

At Epamu, we understand that you want to know how your private information is used and shared, and we value your trust in us. Your privacy is important to us and we work hard to protect your information.

Data security is our top priority. Epamu takes payment security and customer trust very seriously. When you shop at Epamu, we take great care to protect your payment details and personal information. Our payment security system encrypts your payment details such as credit card number, bank account number and address. This information is protected with industry-standard encryption during order processing and transmitted to the relevant bank.

We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards in connection with the collection, storage and disclosure of personal customer information. From time to time, we may require additional proof of identity before disclosing personal information to you. When you place an order, sign up for a subscription, or add a new payment method, your bank may ask you to confirm the payment method.

Here are four tips to help protect your private data and payment information:

Use a strong, unique password Don't use the password you set for Epamu for other websites.

Be sure to log off when using a shared computer.

For more information, see our Privacy Policy.